Does someone you care for need nursing facility-like care but want to live in a residential setting? Fourth Avenue Homes can help.
Top-Level Residential Care
We provide home and community-based services for adults under the age of 65 with disabilities who want to live in a residential setting while receiving the same level of care provided in a nursing facility. Services funded through the Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) waiver take place in residential homes, performed by trained staff.
Fourth Avenue Homes Provides:
Access to a team of professionals
Personalized, comprehensive care
Assistance needed to lead an independent & fulfilling life

At Fourth Avenue Homes, Inc., we encourage as much independence as possible in a de-institutionalized setting, while also maintaining the health, safety, and medical needs of individuals. We value individuality and diversity and are committed to providing the highest quality of personalized care.
Live Independently While Receiving Adequate Care
Our team of professionals is committed to providing individuals with the care and assistance needed to lead an independent and fulfilling life. Our personalized approach ensures that individuals' needs are met and that they can continue living the life they want.
With our Community & Support Services, individuals can access a team of dedicated healthcare professionals passionate about helping them reach their goals. Our team takes the time to understand what they want and creates a personalized plan tailored to their needs.

Helping Maintain Independence
A person's independence is important. That's why we help individuals live as independently as possible in our community settings and promote health, independence, safety and community integration.
Our compassionate staff will work closely with individuals and their families to devise a plan that works and gives them the best possible care while still allowing them to live in a residential setting. We'll ensure they have resources available to meet their needs — whether medical or personal.
We know that each individual is different, which is why we tailor our services to meet their needs. Whether help is needed with daily activities like bathing and dressing or more intensive rehabilitation like physical and occupational therapy sessions, we can help. We even provide optional transportation!
Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver
A person may qualify for our services via the Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver Program through the Department of Human Services of Minnesota (MNDHS).
For further information on the waiver program and inquiries about eligibility status, visit the MNDHS's CADI Waiver webpage.
Common eligibility requirements include (but aren’t limited to):
- Eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) based on a disability or other eligibility status
- Certified disabled by Social Security or the State Medical Review Team (SMRT) process
- Younger than 65 years old at time of opening to the waiver for the first time
- Assessed using MnCHOICES to need the level of care provided in a nursing facility
- Assessed need for supports and services beyond those available through the MA state plan
Fourth Avenue Homes Service Area
We respect the dignity, spirit, rights, and needs of each person we work with. At Fourth Avenue Homes we assist in the growth and development of people so that they can learn the skills necessary to be contributing members of their communities.
We work with individuals in the following counties:
Support Starts Here!
If you know someone who could benefit from help from Fourth Avenue Homes, refer them to us!